No Selection Assistant Tool for selecting Duplicate Folders

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No Selection Assistant Tool for selecting Duplicate Folders

Post by 00 »


This is a problem report for Duplicate Cleaner Pro.

I purchased the Pro version for the 'Duplicate Folders' functionality. Using it was the opposite of what I had come to expect from the ease and speed of the free version. I want to share my experience and hope that your company will take this need seriously. Those who upgrade will then be able to recommend wholeheartedly that it's worth paying for the upgrade.

There is no Selection Assistant Tool for selecting Duplicate Folders, something that I had expected, given the free version has a Selection Assistant Tool for duplicate files. Also, folder groups are not numbered, nor alphabetized on the 'Duplicate Folders' tab. So there is no direct way to identify a folder group with the contained files on the 'Duplicate Files' tab. This led to my waste of time/life experience.

1) To select "one of each group," I had to go through hundreds of folder groups, first highlight them all, hit 'select', and then scroll through the entire list of hundreds of folder groups, highlight one from each group and hit 'deselect'. This was problematic. Highlighting them was easy, but each time I hit 'select', the interface became black, the program became unresponsive and I had to wait (the first time, for more than an hour) with no progress indicator and no way of knowing if the program was in an infinite loop.

2) After the program became responsive, I clicked 'delete the selected folders,' However, it reported that I had eight multiple groups selected with all folders marked. So I had to painstakingly scroll through the entire list again, multiple times, to see which groups had all folders selected and deselect one from each -- another painful half hour of my life wasted.

Finally, I accomplished the task, but what a pain -- not what I expected from your company, nor product.

Thank you in advance for promptly addressing this issue. (I see it was reported nearly a year ago: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1418)
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Re: No Selection Assistant Tool for selecting Duplicate Fold

Post by DigitalVolcano »

Sorry you had trouble - A selection assistant and other improvements for the duplicate folders tab is included in the upcoming version 4.0, along with many other new features.
I hope to get this released before the end of the year!
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