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Feature request: Filter results based on keyword.

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:37 pm
by wwcanoer
Feature request: Filter results based on keyword.

Add a filter to filter the results of: folder, files or both.
(1) option to select: Contains, Does Not Contain, Begins with, Ends with, Equals, or Does Not Equal
(2) show either "only the matching files" or "any group that contains a matching file."

Compared to other duplicate cleaners, the power of Duplicate Cleaner Pro is the selection assistant, so I suggest that adding to that capability is a good differentiator.

Use case 1: When looking at the recent results, I saw many relating to my old iPAQ, so I'd like to filter on that to deal with them all at once.

Use case 2: My Sync program adds a suffix to file versions. (ex. "filename.20210224.txt"). I prefer to delete those with a suffix over those without. I prefer to first use the "mark by location" selector but when the list is very long I can't scroll the list to see if the "suffix files" are the ones to be kept or deleted. I'd like to be able to filter the results based on filename (ex. "Contains .d2021") to easily see if any of these files are marked and if so, which directory they're in. (Currently, I can first do a "text pattern" selection to see which folders contain any of these duplicates but a filtering of the results would let me run a few queries to learn what's been selected when the results are far too long to scroll through.)

Re: Feature request: Filter results based on keyword.

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 3:35 am
by wwcanoer
Plus an option to only apply the selection assistant command to the visible (filtered) items.

(Even now, sometimes I want to apply the result to the visible filtered cells but that can be done by selecting all and then checking "Work only on selected rows".)