Crashing issues

Other bits and pieces and old stuff!
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Post by Stephen »

Ok this problem occurs not just when playing multi-player but it just happened to me playing against the bots.

Waiting to begin Hand Number 8.

St3baS posts the small blind(R5).
EvilFish posts the big blind(R10).
Dealer deals the pocket cards...
5� K�
Shades put in R10 and meets the current bet.
It is your turn to play.
St3baS put in R5 and meets the current bet.
EvilFish put in R564 and raised to R574.
Shades went all-in with R17.
It is your turn to play.
St3baS put in R564 and meets the current bet.

Dealer shows the Flop...
6� 6� 4�
It is your turn to play.
*At this point I tried to Click on BET and nothing happens... the message in the bottom left of the screen is "You called"*
St3baS says: Messages are still working but nothing else is

And thats where it ends... maybe this will provide a bit more insight.
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Post by DV »

Thanks for the info - been away recently and no time to work on software. Not forgotten about it though :)
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Post by Stephen »

Cool thanks DV, any news or updates> :)
I'm anxious to play:)
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Post by DV »

No updates yet - I was away again. DC1.3 and Textcrawler 1.1 have to take priority at the minute (NPP has a relatively tiny user base!) I will return to it though !
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Post by Rockman »

I noticed that it will hang whenever there is a call on a check raise and that player is the last on that betting session, but he's the next one to call for the next session bet.

e.g. on a 2-player game
Player A checks after the flop.
Player B raise.
Player A call.

Turn card shown.
Player A turn to bet (it will hang here).

It happened on a game more that 2 players, as long as the last person to call a check-raise or re-raise is the first to bet on the next betting session.

You can verify if my observation is correct.
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Post by DV »

Thanks for the info Rockman, I'll check it out.
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Post by Rockman »

There is another issue.
I should have won this pot, but EggGal won it instead.

10h 10c Kh Ks Ah
Two Pairs (Kings and Tens)
Jh Js Qc Kh Ks
Two Pairs (Kings and Jacks)
EggGal wins 5300.
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Post by DV »

I think I've finally fixed this and will try and get a new version up shortly...